Hands-on tour to deep learning with PyTorch
- Day 1:
- (slides) introductory slides
- (code) a first example on Colab: dogs and cats with VGG
- (code) making a regression with autograd: intro to pytorch
- Day 2:
- (slides) refresher: linear/logistic regressions, classification and PyTorch module.
- (code) understanding convolutions and your first neural network for a digit recognizer.
- (slides) embeddings and dataloader
- (code) Collaborative filtering: matrix factorization and recommender system
- (slides) Variational Autoencoder by Stéphane
- (code) AE and VAE
- Day 3:
- (slides) Towards deep learning for the real world by Andrei
- (code) softmax temperature; Mixture Density Networks; Bayes by backpropagation
- (slides) Generative Adversarial Networks
- (code) Conditional and Info GANs
- Day 4:
- Reccurrent Neural Networks: slides and associated code
- (code) PyTorch tutorial on char-RNN
- (code) Word2vec
- (code) Playing with word embedding
- Structured Self-attentive Sentence Embedding paper code to obtain Glove NLP mini-project
- Day 5:
- (slides) Opening the black box
- (code) CAM
- (code) Adversarial examples
- Graph Neural Networks by Timothée
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