class: center, middle, title-slide count: false # Opening the black box
.bold[Marc Lelarge] .citation.tiny[ With slides from A. Sablayrolles] --- # How do we make sure that our model works? How do we make sure that our model works ? - We can look at its performance on a validation set - We will know that it works, but not how -- It is important to understand how our models work, in particular for: - debugging our training code / algorithm - getting ideas on how to improve the model - be compliant with regulations if our model is used in production - using pre-trained models for a new task (transfer learning) --- # Looking at network activations Basic idea: ReLU represent how useful the signal is: - if a ReLU is activated (> 0), the signal useful to predict the class - if a ReLU is not activated (< 0), the signal is useless .center[
] .citation[Credit: Alexandre Sablayrolles] --- # Visualization of activations We can run t-sne on the last activation of the neural net. .center[
.citation[Credit: A. Karpathy [t-SNE visualization of CNN codes](] --- # Class Activation Mapping .center[
] from [Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization](
.citation[Practical example: [Notebook]( ] --- # Inverting deep image representations .center[
] from [Understanding Deep Image Representations by Inverting Them](
For a given image, take the 1,000-dimensional vector at the end of the network and starting from random noise, learn an image with the same 1,000-dimensional code (while the network weights are frozen). All images above are equivalent from the viewpoint of the network. --- class: end-slide, center count: false The end.