DLDIY (2019)
Cours MAP583 taught at Ecole polytechnique (01-04/2019) with Andrei Bursuc
- Lesson 1:
- (slides) introductory slides
- (code) a first example on Colab: dogs and cats with VGG (ready for Google Colab)
- (code) making a regression with autograd: intro to pytorch (CPU compatible)
- (code) using Colab features to overfit (CPU compatible)
- Lesson 2:
- (slides) refresher: linear/logistic regressions, classification and PyTorch module.
- (slides) neural networks, backpropagation and convolutional networks.
- (code) understanding convolutions and your first neural network for a digit recognizer.
- Lesson 3:
- (slides) embeddings and dataloader
- (code) Collaborative filtering: matrix factorization and recommender system (CPU compatible)
- (slides) Convolutions and siamese networks
- (code) Siamese networks on MNIST
- Lesson 4:
- (slides) optimization for DL
- (code) gradient descent optimization algorithms (CPU compatible)
- (slides) going deeper
- (code) homework unsupervised learning with autoencoder
- Lesson 5:
- Playing with Tensorboard
- Reccurrent Neural Networks: slides and associated code
- (code) PyTorch tutorial on RNN (CPU compatible)
- Lesson 6:
- Generative Adversarial Networks, slides
- Conditional and info GANs (CPU compatible)
- Word2vec (CPU compatible)
- Lesson 7:
- Playing with word embedding (CPU compatible)
- Packing sequences (CPU compatible)
- Structured Self-attentive Sentence Embedding paper code to obtain Glove NLP mini-project
- Transfer learning, slides
- A project repo
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